Monday, March 7, 2011

The Result of My Creative Exploration

This is the result of my creative exploration. It is composed of the much different experimentation that I have been doing throughout the beginning of this course starting from the particle test to the noise test. I really wanted to play with cell paintings so I did some background animation on cell. Part of this was because I was really inspired by Yuri Norstein’s work and how he made his puppet on cell and this has got me interested in making my puppets on cells. I was also inspired by Theodore Ushev’s technique of painting on paper which brought me to work with paint in animation for the first time. In my experimentation I was hoping to develop an interesting technique, or try out techniques that has been done before and put my own take into it. There have been some interesting results, the noise as an overlay seems to be working in a very interesting way and it contributes to the atmosphere that I was sort of going for. I am unsure if I want to incorporate the technique of painting in my grad project. The idea of incorporating “noise” as a stylistic element to my piece seems interesting and I would consider it for future use. 

What I wasn’t happy with are the character animation and the structure of my story. All these elements should be the top of my list and I feel with this piece that they were not really defined in some areas. Some of the scenes could use more character animation to show the intent of the spirit and its importance and the importance of the sleeping robot. The features of the creative exploration project I would like to continue with is cutout animation and compositing done on after effects. I would want to research Narrative structures that are found within cutout animation, researching more films that use the medium quite well such as works from Yuri Norstein and Anita Killi’s Shinna Mann. Right now I’m looking into narrative and character animation using the cutout technique. I want to find a design that would complement the limitation that is found within cutout animation. In my research I think I would start by reading short stories and see how these stories are structured. In reading these stories I would hope to develop what I want to say in my film. Because right now I have no Idea what I want to say yet. I still want to develop an aesthetic, this would include and drawing, or hand painting some textures that I could scan into the computer and use as a texture.

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